Extraordinary Council Meeting of 29 January 2025
At its Extraordinary Meeting of 29 January 2025, Council resolved to make some amendments to the adopted Burwood North Masterplan as part of addressing Council’s alternative response to NSW Government's Croydon TOD program. The Burwood North Masterplan was originally adopted by Council on 21 May 2024.
Council at the Extraordinary Meeting of 29 January 2025 resolved to adopt and submit Option 4 (as noted in the Council report of 29 January 2025) as its alternate response to the NSW Government's Croydon TOD program.
Option 4 is a refined, lower-density masterplan that increases dwelling capacity under the planning controls to the north of Croydon Station. As discussed in the Council report, in order to meet the NSW Government’s intended dwelling target for Croydon TOD, the report recommended redistributing any unmet dwelling capacity targets to the adopted Burwood North Masterplan area.
A copy of the Council report, detailing the proposed amendments to Burwood North Masterplan ((Figure 9) and resolution can be found at https://burwood.infocouncil.biz/.
Council is currently awaiting a final decision from the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure on Council’s alternative response to Croydon TOD and the proposed amendments to Burwood North Masterplan.
Site Specific Submissions
Consistent with Council resolution of 21 May 2024, Council is currently developing a Governance Process for the upcoming review of the Site Specific Submissions. The submissions will be reviewed and assessed by Council’s independent Panel.
All applicants who have lodged site specific submissions will be contacted as part of the review.
Adopted Burwood North Precinct Masterplan (May 2024)
**Timeframe for Submission of Site Specific Reviews extended to 29 November**
The amended Burwood North Precinct Masterplan was adopted at the 21 May 2024 Ordinary Council Meeting.
The report and attachments (including the submissions report) are available in the 'Library' tab on this webpage or via the following link.
In accordance with the Council resolution, Council is preparing a planning proposal and a Governance Process for additional landowner feedback. The planning proposal will implement the Burwood North Precinct Masterplan.
Site Specific Review – Process Brief - Burwood North Precinct Masterplan
At its meeting on 21 May 2024, the Council resolved that, as part of preparing the Planning Proposal for the implementation of the Burwood North Precinct Masterplan, landowners, residents, and interested parties will be provided with an opportunity for ongoing engagement through a Site-Specific Review Process:
The Site Specific Review – Process Brief details the process and requirements for applicants. Due to a number of requests the timeframe for submissions in this process has been extended to 29 November 2024.
Concept plans and a brief report must be submitted to Council by 5.00pm, Friday 29 November 2024.
Discover our exciting vision for the Burwood North Precinct
Burwood Council has prepared a draft Masterplan for the Burwood North Precinct, building upon the work undertaken as part of the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Strategy (PRCUTS) and to capture the opportunity presented by the delivery of Sydney Metro West.
This offers us a unique opportunity to craft a new vision and strategic direction for the Burwood North Precinct.
Site Specific Review - Process Brief
Council Meeting Reports and Resolutions
Draft Masterplan endorsed for exhibition
A Council report seeking endorsement for the public exhibition of the draft masterplan was considered at the Council meeting on the 26 September 2023. The Council report and attachments can be accessed in the Agenda (Item 70/23) via this link https://www.burwood.nsw.gov.au/Our-Council/Council-and-Committee-Meetings/Minutes-and-Agendas
Thank you to everyone who provided your ideas, insight and vision for the Burwood North Precinct late last year. Your feedback has helped to inform the development of the masterplan, which will be placed on exhibition in mid-October 2023. Your input can be found in the Community Summary Report.
We would like to thank all those who have participated to date and hope that you will continue to engage with us as we move through to the next stage of the process.
In December 2022 Burwood Council commenced work on the development of a masterplan that would inform the planning framework to deliver a new and vibrant neighbourhood at Burwood North..
The Masterplan will set a long-term vision and strategic directions to make sure future growth is well planned, sustainable and meets the changing needs of our community. Within 10 minutes of Parramatta and the Sydney CBD, the new metro is stimulating new opportunities to build on the lifestyle, cultural and economic offerings of Burwood.
The Masterplan will be used to inform new planning controls in an update to Burwood Local Environmental Plan 2012 and Burwood Development Control Plan. It will also have recommendations that could be included in broader strategic directions of Burwood Council.
We sought our community's views to understand:
- What makes Burwood North unique and interesting?
- What needs improvement?
- What are your ideas for growth and change in the future?
Your feedback is important
The draft Burwood North Precinct Masterplan has been released for the purpose of seeking the community's feedback. At this stage no decisions have been made and we are eager to hear what the community has to say.
We invite you to take an active role in shaping the future of the Burwood North Precinct. The draft Burwood North Precinct Masterplan presents a vision for a liveable, vibrant, sustainable, and well-planned community that benefits residents, attracts investment, and creates job opportunities for both current and future generations.
If you would like to provide feedback or comments, we encourage you to find out more by:
- Reading the factsheets and draft masterplan, (also available in the 'library' tab above)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available on the right side tool bar (or below if you are on a mobile phone)
- Completing a survey via the 'survey' tab above
Tell us what you think by completing an online submission form below or sending us an email or hard copy submission.
The draft Burwood North Precinct Masterplan will be on public exhibition until Friday 15 December 2023.
Submissions will be accepted until Friday 5 January 2024.
Thank you for being a part of our vision for the future. We look forward to hearing your feedback.
Burwood Council developed a draft Masterplan which will inform the planning framework to deliver a new and vibrant neighbourhood at Burwood North. In October Council commenced engagement on the draft Masterplan, receiving community submissions and responses to the below mapping exercise.
Stage 1 - Engagement
Community Survey - 22 November to 4 Dec 2022
A survey has been rolled out to the community between 22 November and 4 December 2022. Thank you for everyone who has contributed their insights and ideas.
Community Consultation Session - November 2021 (recording)
Council, has previously conducted community consultation on the principles for the Burwood North Precinct. The consultation was done in November 2021 and we would like to thank everyone who participated in the consultation. This work is valuable and will be used to inform the development of the Burwood North Precinct Masterplan.
Watch the recording of the online community consultation session held in November 2021 via the link below.