At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on 27 July 2021, Council adopted the #RacismNotWelcome Campaign, building on its existing public stance against racism.

The #RacismNotWelcome campaign is a community-led, grassroots initiative intended to acknowledge the existence of racism, validate people’s lived experiences with racism and normalise conversations about racism whilst igniting change. The #RacismNotWelcome campaign was initiated in March 2020 by the Inner West Multicultural Network in response to an increase in racist abuse and attacks on people from Chinese and other Asian backgrounds during the initial period of the COVID-19 Pandemic. To read more about the campaign please click here.

The #RacismNotWelcome Campaign in Burwood

Come together and take a stand against racism. Join the movement, make a pledge, and tell us how you will help keep Burwood free from racism.

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