We’ve recently reviewed and updated our suite of long term planning documents for Burwood following a period of extensive review, community engagement, service and financial planning.
Council is currently inviting community feedback on the following draft documents:
- Draft Community Strategic Plan – Burwood 2036
- Draft Delivery Program 2022 – 2026 and Draft Operational Plan 2022 – 2023
- Draft Fees and Charges 2022 – 2023
- Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2022 – 2032.
We encourage you to download a copy of these documents (available to the right) and submit your feedback and comments to Council by Wednesday 25 May 2022.
About Integrated Planning and Reporting
Councils in NSW are required to undertake long term planning for their local government area, which is based on community aspirations, priorities and needs along with sound data and information.
Every council must review their Community Strategic Plan before 30 June in the year following an ordinary election of Council. In line with this requirement, Council commenced the review of its Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Documents in 2021.
The review process involved extensive community engagement which has resulted in:
- A revised Draft Community Strategic Plan – Burwood 2036, encompassing a refreshed vision for the future of Burwood, revised strategic directions to guide progress towards the vision and new measures across a range of community outcome areas, including clear targets.
- A new Draft Delivery Program 2022 – 2026 and Draft Operational Plan 2022 – 2023, outlining Council’s four-year principal activities alongside Council’s annual actions with short-term targets and responsible service areas. This combined document also includes Council’s four-year budget forecast, annual budget and Statement of Revenue Policy. Council’s Draft Fees and Charges 2022 – 2023 have also been updated and are available on this page as a separate document.
- A new Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2022/23 – 2032/33, which contains a set of long-range financial projections based on an informed set of assumptions. It is designed to reflect the financial implications of providing the current service levels and our programs of capital works and has been revised to align with Council’s revised strategic directions and priorities.
Following the public exhibition process a report providing a summary of submissions received and amendments made to the draft documents will be presented to Council for adoption.
How to Make a Submission
Submissions must be received by Wednesday 25 May 2022.
There are four ways you can lodge a submission:
- Complete the online submission form below.
- Email it to council@burwood.nsw.gov.au with the subject line 'Integrated Planning Submission.'
- Post it to The General Manager, Burwood Council, PO Box 240, Burwood NSW 1805.
- Provide it in person at one of the 'drop in' sessions noted below.
Attend a Community ‘Drop In’ Session
If you would like to obtain further information, ask questions or provide additional feedback on the draft documents in person, we invite you to attend one of Council’s ‘drop in sessions.’
There is no need to register and we welcome you to pop in and speak with a Council staff member at one of the following times:
- Tuesday 17 May 2022, 11am – 12pm
- Wednesday 18 May 2022, 6pm – 7pm
Both sessions will be located in the Conference Room, Burwood Library and Community Hub, 2 Conder St, Burwood.
We value your feedback in the development of our long term plans for Burwood.