Council, at its meeting on 13 December 2022 resolved to exhibit amendments to the Burwood Council Hoarding Policy.

The Hoarding Policy was endorsed by Council on 19 May 2020 and regulates the placement of temporary structures on or above a public road or footpath by property owners, developers, builders and contractors when undertaking construction or maintenance activity.

A key feature of the Policy is the requirement for artwork or graphics to be displayed on hoardings in areas of high pedestrian activity or exposure in an effort to reduce the visual impact, provide new public art opportunities and contribute to the attractiveness of the Burwood Town Centre and other local centres.

Council’s Hoarding Policy is proposed to be updated by including information under Purpose and General Requirements to ensure that the delivery of public art on hoardings/site fences is stated upfront and is clear.

Minor amendments have also been made to Section 6.14 of the Hoarding Policy to ensure that the information is clear and easy to understand.

Have your say on the amendments to the Hoarding Policy

We encourage you to review the amendments to the Hoarding Policy and submit your feedback and comments to Council by Friday 10 February 2023.

How to make a submission?

Submissions must be received by Friday 10 February 2023.

There are two ways you can make a submission:

  • Email it to with the subject line “Amendments to Hoarding Policy”
  • Post it to The General Manager, Burwood Council, PO Box 240, Burwood NSW 1805.

Submission and Privacy

Each submission received by Council may be publicly available for viewing. In making a submission you will be providing Council with personal information. In certain circumstances you will have the right to request that Council not include your personal information in any material for public inspection. Council will consider any such requests in accordance with the Privacy Act (Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998). However, please note Council cannot guarantee that the content of submissions remains confidential.

* Acknowledgement - the top image is showing the hoarding on Liverpool Road and Quandong Road, Burwood and the artwork is designed by the artist Kim Siew.