Council is developing an exciting new vision for our community that will see the existing carpark outside the Burwood Library and Community Hub located at 2- 4 Conder Street transform into a thriving Urban Park, Arts and Cultural Centre.
Responding to the growth of Burwood, the project seeks to deliver a vibrant and dynamic civic and cultural precinct that celebrates the unique diversity of cultures in Burwood.
Importantly, the project responds to three key issues facing Burwood - the need for more public open space, more community facilities and the identified need for a cultural centre with purpose built spaces to support arts and cultural outcomes in the Burwood Local Government Area and broader region.
The project will deliver:
- A new arts and cultural centre, including dedicated performance and rehearsal spaces, studio space, community lounge, flexible multipurpose spaces and café.
- A new urban park including a public plaza, sloping green lawn area, trees, landscaping, interactive water play features and public art.
- An underground public car park.
By creating a place where communities can gather to celebrate and experience arts and culture, the project will establish Burwood as a destination with resulting social, cultural, sustainability and economic outcomes.
Burwood has undergone significant change with residential population growing by 20% from 2009 to 2019 and a further 50% increase in population anticipated by 2036. Population growth has led to an identified shortfall in public open space and community facilities. New cultural infrastructure is required to reinforce the role of Burwood Town Centre as a Strategic Centre in the NSW Government’s Eastern City District Plan. As a main economic centre and transport hub, new facilities and improvements to the public domain are required to integrate arts and cultural outcomes into urban development. This service need is identified in key Council plans including the Burwood Local Strategic Planning Statement and Burwood 2036.
Currently there are no dedicated arts and cultural facilities in the Burwood LGA. Council has identified that one dedicated arts and cultural facility is required to support Burwood LGA’s current population. The need to provide a dedicated cultural centre with a purpose built performance space co-located with flexible multipurpose spaces that support a range of arts and cultural uses has been further tested via community engagement and a comprehensive business case process.
The Burwood Community Facilities and Open Space Strategy identifies that by 2036, Burwood LGA will need:
- An additional 1,875m2 of community floor space.
- A cultural/performance space to address a lack of arts and cultural facilities (in Burwood LGA) and regionally in the adjoining Canada Bay and Strathfield LGAs.
The project site is the largest site identified for the provision of community floor space to meet this target. Through its unique design, existing public parking will be moved underground and new open and green public spaces will be integrated at ground level.
Council undertook extensive community engagement on the project in 2020 and 2021.
Council also welcomed community enquiries or submissions regarding the DA between June and 1 August 2022. The DA could be viewed on the DA portal.
To make enquiries or submissions in relation to the DA, community members could use one of the following methods:
- By email
- In writing to PO Box 240, Burwood NSW 1805. All correspondence should be addressed to the General Manager and quote the relevant application reference number (10.2022.44.1).
- By phoning the Customer Service Centre on (02) 9911 9911 during normal office hours (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.45pm).
Proposed Transformation