The Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for 3-7 Lyons Street and 18 Parnell Street, Strathfield (Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 in DP17433), has been submitted with Development Application DA.2023.45 which proposes alterations and additions to a mixed use development approved under DA2021.79.

Alterations and additions proposed in the DA include two levels added to the existing nine (9) storey residential flat building which is approved for an eleven (11) storey building with 77 residential units. Changes are also proposed for Basement Level 3 to accommodate an additional nine (9) car parking spaces and one (1) motorcycle space.

The VPA offers a monetary contribution to Council as a public benefit, as the application seeks approval for 557 m2 additional gross residential floor space over the amount normally allowed in the Burwood LEP 2012.

The planning provision enables monetary contribution for additional development of Floor Space Ratio (FSR) in the Council Policy – Carrying out Bonus Development in the Public Interest, a publicly exhibited document initially adopted by Council on 1 September 2018.

The monetary contribution is collected to provide, augment or improve open space, community facilities or other public facilities as determined by Council in accordance with the Burwood Open Space and Community Facilities Study.

The VPA and Explanatory Note are on exhibition from 5 June 2024 to 4 July 2024.


The exhibition period for this VPA closed on 4 July 2024.

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Each submission received by Council may be publicly available for viewing. In making a submission you will be providing Council with personal information. In certain circumstances you will have the right to request that Council not include your personal information in any material available for public inspection. Council will consider any such requests in accordance with the Privacy Act (Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998). However, please note that Council cannot guarantee that the content of submissions remains confidential.

For more information about the VPA or making a submission, contact Council’s City Planning Team on 9911 9911.