The voluntary planning agreement (VPA) for Nos 254-256 Liverpool Road, Enfield (being Lots 12 & 13, DP48472) has been submitted in conjunction with Development Application No 132/2020 for the construction of a six (6) storey mixed use development containing a commercial premise at ground level and a new generation boarding house with twenty-seven (27) boarding rooms including manager’s room and one level of basement car parking which provides a shortfall of four (4) parking spaces.
The offer to enter into a VPA has been made by the Developer and provides for the payment of a monetary contribution (Development Contributions) in lieu of the provision of four (4) on-site car parking spaces, subject to development consent being granted.
The planning provision enabling monetary contributions in lieu of parking on-site is contained within Burwood Development Control Plan, a publically exhibited document which was initially adopted by Council on 12 February 2013. The mechanism allows the aggregation of funds by Council for the provision of efficient and sensitively located public car parking facilities.
The VPA and Explanatory Note will be on exhibition from Monday 23 May – Tuesday 21 June 2022.
Making a Submission: If you have something to say about any aspect of the VPA we encourage you to make a submission. All submissions must be in writing and must be received by 21 June 2022. Please quote reference DA.2020.132 and include in the subject line: “VPA – 254 Liverpool Road, Enfield”
Submissions can be sent via:
Post: Burwood Council, PO Box 240, BURWOOD NSW 1805.
Disclosure of Political Donations and Gifts
Any person making a submission must lodge a Disclosure Statement if a reportable political donation or gift has been made to certain people or organisations within the last 2 years. Please contact Council for a Disclosure Statement form.
Submission and Privacy
Each submission received by Council will be publicly available for viewing. In making a submission you will be providing Council with personal information. In certain circumstances you will have the right to request that Council not include your personal information in any material available for public inspection. Council will consider any such requests in accordance with the Privacy Act (Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998). However, please note that Council cannot guarantee that the content of submissions remains confidential.
Further Information: Please do not hesitate to contact Council’s Manager City Planning, Rita Vella on 9911 9913 or