Multicultural Burwood Strategy

Adopted Tuesday 23 April 2024

At the Council Meeting on Tuesday 23 April 2024, the Multicultural Burwood Strategy 2024 - 2028 was adopted.

Thank you to all of the community members and stakeholders who informed and commented on the Strategy during the consultation and throughout the public exhibition period.


The Draft Multicultural Burwood Strategy 2024 - 2028 outlines how Council will work with our community to celebrate Burwood’s unique multicultural strengths, build a more connected, welcoming and cohesive community and improve the participation of people of all cultural backgrounds in the Burwood Local Government Area.

The Draft Strategy identifies the following three Outcome Areas for focus over the next four years:

  1. An empowered and respectful community where language and culture are not barriers to access and participation.
  2. A strong, responsive, connected and trusted community sector.
  3. A welcoming, harmonious and inter-connected community where our diverse and shared experiences are harnessed and celebrated.

The Draft Strategy has been informed by extensive community consultation and the preparation of a Culturally Diverse Communities of Burwood Research Paper (available to the right).

Have your say

We encourage you to download a copy of the Draft Multicultural Burwood Strategy (available to the right) and provide your feedback and comments to Council by Thursday 12 March 2024 via:

  1. The online form below, OR
  2. Email to with the subject line ‘Multicultural Burwood Strategy Submission', OR
  3. Mail to Burwood Council (Attention: Senior Research and Policy Officer), PO Box 240, Burwood NSW 1805.