Your feedback is sought on Council’s draft Public Interest Disclosures Policy, which aims to embed a ‘speak up’ culture at Burwood Council.

The new Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 – also know as the PID Act – will commence shortly. Under that Act, public agencies, including local councils, must have in place a policy that enables public officials to report serious wrongdoing for further investigation.

The policy must also provide protections for any person who reports serious wrongdoing. These kinds of protections are sometimes referred to as ‘whistle blower’ protections.

Burwood Council has prepared a draft policy that outlines how it intends to implement the new Act. That policy and related procedures, together with training for our staff and managers, will help ensure a strong ‘speak up’ culture is in place at Council.

A copy of the draft policy is available to view in the Document Library.

If you have something to say on any aspect of the draft policy, we encourage you to make a submission. All submissions must be in writing and must be received by 25 October 2023. Please include the subject line: “Submission – PID Policy”.

Make a submission

Submissions can be sent via:

For further information, please contact the Governance & Risk team on 9911 9911.

What happens then?

Any feedback will be considered and will shape the final version of the policy that will be reported to Council for adoption.

The formally adopted policy will be published on Council's website alongside the contact details for those people authorised to accept a disclosure under the policy. Details for other integrity agencies that can also take disclosures or provide further information about the PID Act will accompany the published policy.