
The draft Licence to Play Policy represents an innovative and enabling approach to placemaking in the Burwood LGA. The first policy of its kind in NSW, it signals a new era for city-making, fostering opportunities for dynamic partnerships between local government, businesses, property owners and the community. This policy synthesises national and international best practices, drawing inspiration from models in cities such as New York City, Los Angeles, and Hong Kong.

Policy Context

The placemaking movement is at a pivotal juncture, with grassroots activities now effectively integrated into government planning strategies. This integration has led to more responsive planning approaches, marked policy shifts, and improved governance models. The Draft Licence to Play Policy embodies this shift.

The draft Licence to Play Policy necessitates a shift towards a more flexible, adaptive, and responsive regulatory framework that supports the rapid implementation of public space activations for a trial period of 12 months.

The draft Licence to Play Policy will be implemented through a coordinated effort involving multiple Council departments and external agencies. The policy will cover various types of spaces, including on-parcel (pop-up events, vacant spaces, private lots, and public lots), footpaths, and roadways.

A dedicated team will oversee the application and review process, ensuring timely and efficient handling of proposals. Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the policy's impact and make necessary adjustments.

The Licence to Play Policy is a bold and transformative initiative that aligns with Council's vision of creating vibrant, activated public spaces. Endorsement of this policy will mark a significant step forward in our commitment to responsive planning, community empowerment, and sustainable economic development.

Key Objectives

1. Lowering Barriers to Participation:

  • Simplifying the regulatory framework to encourage greater involvement from local businesses and residents.
  • Providing clear guidelines and support to navigate the permitting process.

2. Streamlining Permitting and Agency Review Processes:

  • Creating a more efficient and coordinated review process across multiple agencies.
  • Reducing the time and complexity associated with obtaining necessary permits.

Creating Self-Financing Opportunities:

  • Developing mechanisms to support the long-term stewardship of public spaces.
  • Encouraging innovative funding models to sustain ongoing projects.

Defining Parameters for Operations and Permit Terms:

  • Establishing clear operational guidelines and permit conditions.
  • Ensuring transparency and consistency in permit issuance and management.

Facilitating Greater Equity in Project Distribution:

  • Promoting equitable geographic distribution of projects across all neighbourhoods.
  • Ensuring that all communities benefit from public space activation.

Enabling Frequent, Diverse, and Free Public Activation:

  • Supporting a wide range of activation events that are accessible to the public.
  • Encouraging diverse programming to cater to various community interests and needs.


We encourage you to download a copy of the Draft Licence to Play Policy (available to the right) and provide your feedback and comments to Council by Monday 3 February via:

  1. Email to with the subject line ‘Licence to Play Policy Submission', OR
  2. Mail to Burwood Council (Attention: Executive Manager Place Management & Communication), PO Box 240, Burwood NSW 1805.