Following a strategic review of the service in 2020 Council has developed the Draft Library Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 based on comprehensive research, community engagement, staff engagement and the examination of innovative trends in public libraries. This work has been undertaken to realize the full potential of the facility and its services by driving a program of innovation, change and improvement over the next 5 years.
Council is currently inviting community feedback on the Draft Library Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027. We encourage you to download a copy of this document (available to the right) and submit your feedback and comments to Council by Wednesday 22 June 2022.
About the Library Strategic Plan
The Draft Library Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 is the first library strategic plan prepared by Council and has been developed in alignment with Council’s new Community Strategic Plan – Burwood2036.Whilst the development of a library strategic plan is not a legislative requirement, it is considered best practice and many public libraries in NSW have publically accessible strategic plans in place.
The Draft Library Strategic Plan 2022 – 2027 sets out the mission, vision and values for the Burwood Library and Community Hub and 5 strategic areas of focus including:
- Customer experience;
- Learning experience;
- Creative experience;
- Digital experience; and
- Burwood memories.
A total of 32 actions along with performance indicators are outlined in the Draft Plan, highlighting Council’s commitment to the community over the next 5 years.
Following the public exhibition process, a report providing a summary of submissions received and amendments made to the draft documents will be presented to Council for adoption.
How to Make a Submission
Submissions must be received by Wednesday 22 June 2022.
There are three ways you can lodge a submission:
- Complete the online submission form below.
- Email it to with the subject line ‘Library Strategic Plan Submission.'
- Post it to the Manager Library & Community Hub, Burwood Council, PO Box 240, Burwood NSW 1805.