The purpose of this policy is inform the public of Burwood Council's approach to identifying, responding to and reporting data breaches involving personal information held by Council.

Council takes the security of its information very seriously. The policy outlines the actions taken by Council to prevent data breaches occurring, but also ensures Council is well-prepared to quickly minimise any harm in the event that a breach does occur.

New Mandatory Data Breach Scheme laws came into place in November 2023. This policy has been developed with that scheme in mind.

A copy of the draft policy is available to view in the Document Library.

If you have something to say on any aspect of the draft policy, we encourage you to make a submission. All submissions must be in writing and must be received by Monday 29 January 2024. Please include the subject line: “Submission – Data Breach Policy”.

Make a submission

Submissions can be sent via:

For further information, please contact the Governance & Risk team on 9911 9911.

What happens then?

Any feedback will be considered and will shape the final version of the Policy that will be reported to Council for adoption.

The formally adopted Policy will be published on Council's website and will also be circulated to employees to ensure compliance with the principles in that policy.