Burwood Council is developing a new Disability Inclusion Action Plan, called a DIAP for short. The DIAP tells us what we need to do so that people with disability can participate in our community and achieve their goals.
The new DIAP will last from 2022 until 2026.
The Plan responds to the unique characteristics of the diverse Burwood community, which includes over 1,850 people living with a disability and over 3,300 people providing unpaid assistance.
All councils in NSW are required to develop a Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) under the Disability Inclusion Act 2014.
To assist us in the development of this important plan please complete the survey below providing information and insight into the lived experiences of people with disability in the Burwood Local Government Area, and how Council can assist to make Burwood an inclusive and accessible place for all people who live, work or study here.
How to do the survey
The survey has 2 parts and there are 19 questions to answer. The questions in this survey are either a multiple choice with a checkbox to select your answer or a free text entry answer.
You can complete the survey by yourself, or you can ask someone to help you with the survey.