Council is seeking comments from the community on the Draft Plan of Management for Burwood Park. The Plan of Management provides direction for the use and management of Burwood Park under the Crown Land Management Act 2016. It aims to address issues in relation to the upgrade and provision of recreational and park facilities as well as the granting of lease and licences.
The draft Plan of Management features the following:
- Draft Master Plan with proposed upgrade works of the pond, a new nature play playground and sensory garden
- Permitted and prohibited activities in the park
- Classification of the different areas of Burwood Park into Park, Sportsgrounds and General Community Use
- Existing facilities and their condition
We welcome you to download a copy of the Burwood Park Draft Plan Of Management which will be available for viewing until Wednesday 10 August 2022 and submit your feedback and comments to Council by Sunday 24 August 2022. The Plan of Management document can also be viewed at the Burwood Library Foyer and the Enfield Aquatic Centre.
Following the public exhibition process, submissions will be reviewed and considered for inclusion in the Plan of Management. A report providing a summary of submissions received and amendments made to the draft document will be presented to Council.
How to make a Submission
There are three ways you can lodge a submission:
- Complete the online submission form below.
- Email your submission to with the subject line Burwood Park Draft Plan of Management
- Post it to the Senior Landscape Architect, Burwood Council, PO Box 240, Burwood NSW 1805.